
Our Second Week

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been in Argentina for two weeks already! Everyday seems to fly by as we continue to learn more about the culture, history, and politics. Tuesday June 19 started off with a school wide assembly to celebrate Flag Day, which is celebrated on June 20.   Alumni and parents joined the students to honor the flag and it’s creator, General Manuel Belgrano. There was also a Granaderos band present to help make the day even more festive. After the speeches and music finished, our guys joined the students visiting from Loyola High School in Los Angeles for some dance lessons. First up the tango! The Argentine tango is often marked by a sense of nostalgia, sadness, and laments for lost love. However, our guys were too busy saying derecho, izquierda, derecho (right, left, right) to the beat to notice the lyrics. We broke into leaders and followers and carefully practiced our individual steps, and then brought it together to dance. After mastering the basics ther

The weekend and Monday's service

After going our own ways after mass on Friday, many of us went home, had dinner, maybe played a game of “Truco” (a traditional card game in Argentina), and then went to bed. The next morning the entire country made sure that they were up early and had their blue and white jerseys on. It was the first group game for Argentina in La Copa Mundial—The World Cup. We all went to Nacho Corcuera’s house to watch in despair as the underdogs, Iceland, ended up drawing with Argentina 1-1. After the game, we all went our separate ways again, and we were with our families for the rest of our evenings. While I can not speak for others, the weekends often bring experiences that are unique and very fun. Santiago, my host brother, and his two cousins, Mano and Pepe, and I went to “Juegos Mentales”, an escape room location, in which we were given an hour to find a series of keys and codes. While escape rooms do exist in America, the fact that it was all in Spanish made it extra difficult. Billy an